One of the following connection cables is required for ladder programming.Product name: CJ2M CPU Units.
Specifications: I/O capacity/Mountable Units(Expansion Racks),
2, 560 points/40 Units(3 ExpansionRacks max. );Programcapacity,
60K steps;Data memorycapacity, 160K words,
(DM: 32K words, EM: 32K words ×4 banks);
LD nstruction execution time, 0 CS1W-B7A21. 04 μs;
EtherNet/IP function: --;
Option board slot: --.
Current consumption (A): 5V, 0. 7(See note. );24V, --
Standards: UC1, N, L, CE.
CJ2M for basic machine automation.
The CJ2M Series is ideal for packaging and general.
machine automation needs. Connectivity is assured.
thanks to the built-in USB port and the choice of.
Ethernet and RS-232C/422/485 interfaces on the CPU CS1W-B7A21.
Unit type: CS1 Basic I/O Units.
Product name: B7A Interface Unit.
Specifications: 16 inputs/outputs.
Mountable Racks: CPU Rack, CS1W-BC,
@@3, Yes, @@2, Yes;
C200HX/HG/HE Expansion I/O Rack, No.
CS1 Expansion Rack, CS1W-BI,
@@3, Yes, @@2, Yes;
CS1 Long distance Expansion Rack, Yes;
Words required: 1 input word and 1 output word.
Current consumption: 5V system, 0.09A;
26 V system, --.
Standards: UC1, CE.
Multi-application Controllers:
From High-performance Machine C,
Highly Reliable Process Control OMRON CS1W-B7A21. Name: SYSMAC LINK Co-axial Power Supply.
Model: C200HS-SLK22.
NO. OF I/O SLOTS: 4 SLOTSName: Analog I/O Slave Units,
(Numerical indicator type)
MIL Connector Type.
Specifications: Analog outputs; 2 outputs.
Standards: CE OMRON CS1W-B7A21.
"Easy" and "Flexible" system expansion,
with linked CC-Link and CompoNet.
Branching is easily made with CompoNet.
Wiring material cost can be reduced.
Bit-level I/O distribution reduces,
wiring in the system.
A wide variety of CompoNet Slave Units,
contribute to system size reduction.
Seven-segment Display on the Gateway Unit,
helps to detect errors on site.
The Participation Flags and Communications,
Error Flags can be checked at the Host,
Controller to detect the location and,
content of the error. Unit type: CJ1 CPU Bus Units.
Product Name: Position Control,
Units with EtherCAT interface.
Specifications: Control output interface,
Control commands executed by,
EtherCAT communications.
Positioning functions: Memory operation,
Direct operation by ladder programming,
I/O communications: 64 nodes;
No. of axes: 16 axes.
No. of unit numbers allocated: 1.
Current consumption : 5V, 0.46A; 24V,--.
Standards: UC1, CE.
Preeminent control performance and,
easy operation feature of EtherCAT,
improve thhe production efficiency CS1W-B7A21.
The EtherCAT communications with,
100Mbps baud rate enables fast,
and accurate position control.
A wide range of position control,
functions are available with,
this position control unit.